Divorce and Family Law Practice

We represent clients throughout the divorce process, from the initial filing through negotiated settlements or trial to post-judgment requests for modification or enforcement. We handle all matters arising out of divorce, including:

  • Child custody and visitation. We will help you work out custody and visitation arrangements that are in the best interests of your children. We will also seek to protect your role as a parent, ensuring that you get to participate in decisions about education, medical treatment and religious training.

  • Child support. We will review all proposed child support orders for compliance with state guidelines and to ensure that all relevant income is included in the calculation.

  • Spousal support or alimony. We will work with you to determine whether spousal support is necessary and, if so, how much should be paid and for how long.

  • Distribution of marital assets. We will assist you with the equitable distribution of marital property, including real estate, bank accounts and investments, retirement fund and business interests.

  • Marital Home- sale, division of equity to allowing one spouse to acquire the interest of the other spouse.

  • Prenuptial Agreements. Prenuptial agreements are legal and enforceable in New Hampshire when they are done right. Rich Clark will draft and negotiate the terms of your prenuptial agreement. These are often used to deal with assets owned by each party, alimony, retirement accounts, pensions, homes, and conditions should a divorce occur. Rich has completed prenuptial agreements for clients with multimillion dollar estates to those that just want to protect their family property in case a divorce should occur. Rich will require the prenuptial agreement be signed by all parties long before the wedding. He also requires the other party to meet certain other conditions so the prenuptial agreement is valid and enforceable. One of the most common mistakes is failure to list all assets which are incorporated in the Prenuptial Agreement as an exhibit.

If you are planning to get married and are either bringing substantial assets into the marriage or have children by a previous marriage, we can help you protect those assets in the event of a divorce or separation. We will help you prepare and put in place a prenuptial agreement that specifies the division of property upon divorce or separation.