Personal Injury

Rich Clark Law, LLC handles all types of serious personal injury claims on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don't pay attorney's fees until we recover money for you. Personal injury claims are costly and take time to litigate. We finance your injury claim by incurring expenses in advance for medical records, office staff, court costs, legal and medical trial experts and investigators.

If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, motorcycle or bicycle accident, or have sustained an actionable serious injury claim, you need to schedule a free consultation by promptly calling Attorney Clark. Let's quickly preserve key evidence before it's destroyed. Delay can cause the value of your injury claim to diminish. Your statements given to insurance companies can be spun to be used against you.

The majority of personal injury claims are caused by car accidents. Other common tort-based actions we handle are wrongful death, motorcycle or bicycle accident, brain, spinal and neurological injury, premises liability, defamation, medical malpractice, dog bites, invasion of privacy, and all negligence based torts. We also recoup damages, lost wages and fight for self-employed lost wages.

Without exception, dealing with insurance companies has become a fight to get what you deserve. We have found a recent trend where insurance companies are intentionally prolonging negotiations and low-balling those injured to inappropriately and unethically persuade them to take less. Attorney Clark takes this behavior personally. He feels we pay for all types of insurance our entire lives, then in the rare case we need it, the insurance companies try to screw us. If a timely good faith negotiation doesn't yield what it should, Attorney Clark will mark your case up for trial and have the matter heard by a jury. We believe in aggressively fighting for you when it's in your best interest.

Attorney Clark has substantial experience in dealing with personal injury matters. The number one complaint clients have with their attorneys is their inability to communicate with their attorney. When you retain our law firm, you won't be handed off to an associate or blocked by a secretary. You will experience personal attention by Attorney Clark. Our clients become an integral part of the process, pre-trial negotiations, and trial when required.

We look forward to working with you, to ensure you get what you deserve. We aggressively represent personal injury clients in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.